The documentary "Il Potere dell'Archivio" _”The Power of the Archive” by Francesca Molteni, curated by Fulvio Irace and realized in collaboration with RPBW - Renzo Piano Building Workshop Architects and the Renzo Piano Foundation, will be broadcast on Tuesday January 12th on Rai Italia.
The documentary is introduced by an interview by Monica Marangoni with Lia Piano, director of the Renzo Piano Foundation's editorial programs, during the program "L'talia con voi" at the following times:
- 6:00 pm New York
- 8:00 pm San Paolo and Buenos Aires
- 6:00 pm Sidney
- 7:15 pm Johannesburg
The documentary explores the world of the archives of the Renzo Piano Building Workshop office and its links with the design activity, through the voice and images of the protagonists: partners, architects, model makers, archivists, collaborators and clients. It is Renzo Piano himself who describes the meaning, value and use of memory as key to the future. The realized projects are the tip of an iceberg that hides a long intertwining of stories, ideas, attempts, successes and failures, the traces of which remain preserved in the archives entrusted to the Renzo Piano Foundation. Archives are therefore not only places and tools, but a real “workshop that works in memory”.
Enjoy it!