UNESCO Laboratorio di quartiere a Otranto

UNESCO Laboratorio di quartiere a Otranto

The Otranto project was part of a UNESCO-sponsored rehabilitation center rehabilitation program, and a 'neighborhood lab' was developed, based on total collaboration with the inhabitants. The roots of the architect's work were brought to light: the service role, the community's technical gesture, the symbolic value of the building. The activities were carried out around a 'cube', a transportable module organized into four sections: analysis and diagnostics, information and teaching, open project, work and construction.

Project data



Area of the workshop cube

2.4 x 2.4 m



UNESCO (S. Busutill, W. Tochtermann)


Studio Piano & Rice


Ove Arup & Partners, IDEA Institute, G. P. Cuppini, G. Gasbarri, Editech; G. F. Dioguardi (coordination and administration)