On February 24th seven new young people started their internship program in the RPBW’s offices in Genoa and Paris:
Prajit Gupte, CEPT University of Ahmedabad, India
Cherubino Isaac, Scuola Politecnica di Ingegneria e Architettura, Genova, Italy
Audrey Marie Dandenault, Columbia University, School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, NY, USA
Aksoy Rana Irmak, Harvard Design School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Juan Granero Moneva, ETSAM - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Lucia Giordano, Politecnico Milano, Italy
Brenda Elizabeth Kirabo, Uganda Martyrs University, Nkozi, Uganda
Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 emergency situation, their experience is now on hold, and they have come home. We hope to see them soon.